Growing up in St. Louis, I love baseball- so I'm always up to take any work diamond-related illustration. This cover for the Playoff Preview for The Los Angeles Times represents the hope of greater So-Cal for a 'freeway-series' between the Dodgers and the Angels. (No chance.) With the team colors, it seemed an opportunity to draw the fans and players connected to the quintessential LA architectural feature- the overpass. Thanks to Derek Simmons for the great gig.
One of the zillion reasons I could never be an illustrator: I don't have the patience for that kind of tiny detail.
Nice work, no matter this is an illutration, i see it like is an individual one : )
... anyway i am not competent in baseball : )
Ah, the blue and red pen...I remember when I first saw that blue and red pen; all those years a go. I have missed that blue and red pen.
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