Luerzer's Archive, a directory to advertise illustrators, designers and photographers asked me to do the newest cover. It will also run as a stand alone ad without the 25 years box someday soon. I got final approval on my sketch on tuesday morning. I need some sleep.
You are into the pink and gold water it seems.
These colors're gorgeous, John. It's the divine punch bowl of artistic inspiration! The dragon holding the sketch book seems slightly demonic. But then you have those angelic wings, too. Is this Good and Evil presiding over your ideas? And do I win a prize for touching on this? Anyway, great job!
Also, if you have the time, I'd appreciate your input on my latest picture. (It's self-promotional, and it's the latest entry on my blog.) It's of the Wrestler, Randy the Ram, as played by Mickey Rourke. Take care!
Whoa! Weird and awesome. Beautiful as always John. I need a beer!
everything going on here is pretty fantastic I must say.
awesome concept, detail and colour!
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