Monday, November 02, 2009

Villans! Famous Fictional...

The brilliant Dan Zettwoch invited me to participate in a show about famous villians. We were asked to make a diptych, selecting one villain from 20th century film, and another from pre-20th century literature. (I loved this assignment so much that I subjected my students to it as well.)

This gave me the rare opportunity to draw one of my childhood obsessions, The Raiders of the Lost Ark- along with all it's face-melting spectacle. From Raiders, I chose Rene Belloq. The ark opening scene was part of my young interior life. Whenever I thought of the twin sided mystery of God's Glory- beauty and judgement- I thought of this scene. Naturally, I chose the Headless Horseman as Rene's counterpart. (Few seem to remember Rene Belloq's demise quite like the other two because in order to secure a PG rating, Spielberg had to cover the Belloq's exploding head with translucent flames.) Part of the fun of this show was that I couldn't count of Photoshop to clean up all my errors, I really had to make the physical drawing count! So I used a bunch of media, colored pencils, block printing ink and brayers, watercolor and pen & ink.

The show will be at Mad Art Gallery in St. Louis, opening Friday November 6th. Hope to see you there!


Sam said...

so psyched for this show!

Barnabas NYC said...

You know having heard a littl emore about your childhood...this explains ALOT!

Unknown said...

i love this piece, john!! but shouldn't that horse only be 25% off? Also, Congrats on the AI cover!

dadu shin said...

awesome, always loved your work.

Unknown said...

Awesome illustration.

Peter Diamond said...

these are killer.
the horsemen would have to be one of my all-time favorite characters, and i can relate to that Ark scene. that left a scar for several years after i saw that as a kid.
i have to agree this is a great assignment, i can see why you loved it.

Peter Diamond said...

these are killer.
the horsemen would have to be one of my all-time favorite characters, and i can relate to that Ark scene. that left a scar for several years after i saw that as a kid.
i have to agree this is a great assignment, i can see why you loved it.