Friday, July 25, 2008


A hand-drawn masthead I designed for the brand new culture magazine Curator, from The International Arts Movement, IAM. The image in the 'O' will change every month.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

John Brown - Preview

I've been hard at work this summer completing final art for my children's book about John Brown. I wanted to post a recent image I enjoyed. This depicting John's relationship with Harriet Tubman, one of his greatest friends and allies. Due to her bravery and leadership, he called her "The General."

Monday, July 21, 2008

Drawing In Church- 7/13 + 7/20

This one is from the last two weeks... just added some color this morning.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Insights: Commarts

Communication Arts has an interview with me about my process and working philosophy (stifle your laughter, andrea). It is featured on the home page today, and will move to the Insights section later in the week. My church drawings even got tagged for the headline. Take a look, but once you do, the mystery will be gone.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Sunday Op-Ed- In Color!

As most of you know, The New York Times Op-Ed page is close to my heart. I still love getting the call from them. But, best case for every illustrator is when we get to draw AND design the page. The Op-Ed page has a great history of illustrator/art director collaboration. For this article on streetsweepers, I proposed the idea of putting a grey tone behind the entire page, with the sweeper pushing the text around, and scrubbing the page back to 'bright' grey. Once again, many thanks to Brian Rea for one more time round the block. His name is up there on the list of greats at the NY Times.

Nice post about the drawing here.

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

3x3 Annual

Two drawings, one from Abe Lincoln Crosses a Creek and one from my Drawing-in-Church stuff, got into the new 3x3 Illustration Annual. Though technically not illustration, its very exciting to see my sketchbook drawings getting some ink.

Monday, July 07, 2008

Drawings from ICON 2008

Just returned to the studio from the fabulous Illustration Conference. A few pages from the sketchbook. Lectures and presentations from Pixar story artists, Gary Panter, Blue Cube Studios (of 'Cat Butt Air Freshener' fame) and Starbucks Visual Development Guru Stanley Hainsworth.