Monday, November 19, 2012

Drawing In Church 11/18/2012


  1. Beautiful Picture!!!

  2. It´s always interesting to see your church drawings.
    I have been keeping illustrated diary for every day of this year (so far).
    And I have to say, it was very good to hear your interviews on Your Dreams My Nightmares.

    Keep it up!

  3. I pictured that as an owl hanging on a rope. Actually, the first thing I thought of was soap on a rope. :-)

  4. Great drawing. Love the booky sketchbook. Lotta pages in it!
    Do you color with watercolor or is it inks?
    Is it Micron pens for line?

  5. Dude, your work draws me right in and I just want to see and learn more. Especially your church sketches. I've done some when I am moved to sketch stuff out that crosses my mine, but it's usually a 1 minute doodle. I'm inspired. Thanks!
