Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Drawing in Church 8/26


  1. just found your blog, love your work! and especially love the drawing in church series!

  2. Hey John, just wanted to compliment you on your sketches. They are really fun. They've shown me yet another way to work in my Sketchbooks. Thanks for sharing them.

  3. hi John,
    whenever i see your church drawings I am curious about your process, do you draw with pencil in church or are they drawn in ink? How much materials do you bring to church?
    In any case they look terrific and I hope you'll keep making them.

  4. I never draw in pencil, I just start drawing during the sermon, without any planning and see where the content in my ears takes me. I don't color them there, but once I get home. That would be obnoxious to have a whole palate of watercolors in the pew with me.

  5. Thank you for the insight.
