Sunday, October 11, 2009

American Illustration 28

Over the summer, I was given the extreme honor of working with Matthew Lenning on the art for this years American Illustration annual, number 28. Truly, I've never had a project that produced as much emotional anxiety as this did over the three months we worked on it together. I would often wake up in the middle of the night with new ideas, forced to go to the studio and get them down before I could sleep again. A few shots of the final book, from the vendor.

I've made a long and detailed post on the process over at my corner of the illustration blog Drawger. Head over there for much more on how this came together.


  1. Anonymous11:36 AM

    Fantastic work!

  2. Beautiful! But I'm slightly disappointed you didn't kill a dog too. Don't illustrators generally take a hostage down with them?

  3. ridiculously cool!
