Thursday, May 14, 2009

Spot, beloved mutt of the illustration world

Illustrators may get the awards from the full-size covers, jackets and posters- but we all pay the bills with the spots. It is hard for me to turn down the New York Times, regardless, but I always take a Letters-to-the-Editor illustration (my old stomping grounds) when I can. I'm very thankful for such jobs, which are enjoyable and short lived.

I take many of these jobs every year, and they are usually never seen by anyone who doesn't read the magazine, but here are a few recent anonymous drawings. The wind turbine from OnEarth Magazine, and the iPhone from PC World.

Other news relating to smaller illustrations... Popular Mechanics let me know that my drawing of the astronauts trying to buy the moon was accepted into the SPD Spot show. Good boy!


  1. Awesome popular mechanics piece!!

  2. That's the thing about your pics, man. Even if they're uncredited, I still go, "Wait, that looks too much like John Hendrix."

  3. Thanks guys, but Owen, I actually do get a byline on these. But it is very small. and in the gutter usually.

  4. Sometimes, we do our best work when the deadline is short, the format is small, the idea is clear, and we just have fun. Spots!
