Thursday, August 21, 2008

Summer Books

Thanks to a bedtime routine with my son that gave me an hour of reading time each night, I read a bunch of great books this summer. Now, my wife reads like a teletype machine (that is to say, really fast) but I'm a total book slug. Here is a tiny list of books I've read over the last three months. Did you read anything great on the beach or in the hammock this summer? I'm starting Andrea's favorite book today, A Tree Grows In Brooklyn.


  1. Read 'Watchmen' a few years ago and loved it. I can't wait to see the movie.

    I'm currently reading 'The 10 Cent Plague.'

  2. we lead parallel have to read "The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao" by Junot Diaz. so, so good...just finished it actually. I'm a little late in sending my package btw.... :)

  3. I have in one hand "The Forgotten Man" by Amity Shales. It's a look at the depression and why ours was so great. It's really well done and interesting history about the new deal and what worked and didn't work. In the right hand is a book about seeing through cynicism by Dick Keyes. It's fantastic as well.

  4. "Monster Zoo" by Doug Tennapel.
    Are you familiar with Doug's work at all?

    Currently reading a book by Ravi Zecharias

  5. I read a great book by Tobias Wolff, called Old School. It's about a boy in a boarding school and three famous writers visit the school each year. It's a very well told story. It seems the author really knows the story from experience.
    Looks like you had some good reads.

  6. i can't believe you haven't read "a tree grows in brooklyn"! it's about time. one book i read was called "cool it: a skeptical envrionmentalist's guide to global warming" which was really great!
