Welcome back.
Using the name of my recent solo exhibition, I have re-branded this blog
Drawing on Deadline. The former name,
Illustration is Easy (an obscure reference to a delightful Ross MacDonald
artist statement from an exhibition I worked on back in 2004) was the source of much consternation from the viewing public, now it seems, unaware of the intended absurdity of such a claim. Similar assumptions about commercial image-making are made all the time, usually without real consideration. When looking at the work of understated genius
Hanoch Piven, for example, one might muse "How long did this really take?" This conjecture is instantly clarified when you try to create a portrait of Ronald Reagan out of three jellybeans and a piece of carpet.
So, for the record: Illustration is very very hard. I'd write a bit more but, I'm on deadline, so I'd better go draw.